

Welcome to my website!

I'm Alison Lister, and I write uplifting and inspiring young adult fiction, mostly for reluctant readers. 

Also referred to as Hi/Lo, these books offer subjects with a high interest for teens, at a reading level that is accessible for those working at a rudimentary level, for whatever reason that might be. Is English their second or third language? Do they have a learning disability? Do they struggle with reading comprehension and become confused with complex vocabulary? 

These older teen readers should be able to enjoy books with subject matter that is relevant to their age, without worrying that it will be difficult. The more a person reads, the more quickly they will advance their reading comprehension. These books encourage youth to keep reading, even if the written English language doesn't come easily.

I'm proud to be one of Lorimer's authors in the Real Love line of queer romances.

No Limit On Love was published last spring and tells the story of a teenager coming to terms with their non-binary gender identity and falling in love at the same time.

Out to Sea (working title), my second Lorimer book, is about a young transmasc individual who finds a new friend on vacation at a beach resort in Queens County Nova Scotia.


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No Limit On Love

With Support from the Ontario Arts Council and the Government of Ontario